Saturday, April 21, 2007

फॉर माय ज्ञानी फ्रेंड

This is one of the most commonly spoken dialogues between us.

क्या यही थी तेरी दोस्ती ?
क्या यही था तेरा प्यार?

(गाते हुए)

दोस्त दोस्त ना रहा
प्यार प्यार ना रहा !


हे ईसु !!!"

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Tuesday, October 04, 2005


Gateway of 'Marathe Niwas' ?!!


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Cold Rolled Coils

This is the raw material for our Colour Coating Line. Each of these weigh up to 12 tonnes.

Enough to press a truck by 6 inches when kept on it.

My hideout

This is the Electrical Control Room or better known as the ECR.

Pretty much like the "brain" of the electrical system.

To be maintained at a cool 18 degrees C.
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Plant Pathway

Road to Success???
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Monday, October 03, 2005

Multi-variegated coils

The final product !
These richly coated, appealingly-coloured rolls are a treat to the eyes after the hot, steaming, thick, dirty, rusty, hard and heavy raw steel coils.